Multiple Chemical Sensitivities or MCS may be caused by Candida overgrowth in the gut from Antibiotic use. Candida roots into the guts causing tiny holes that let undigested food particles into the bloodstream. This Leaky Gut Syndrome induces a chronic allergic reaction. parasites can have a similar effect. Kill the Candida with Undecylenic Acid, milder Caprylic Acid, or Silver Colloid. Heal the guts with Aloe Vera; and R-Lipoic Acid taken with meals.
Worst of all Candida makes acetaldehyde, a tissue-eating toxin that can only be detoxed with the metabolized form of B-5/Pantothenic Acid, PANTETHINE. This also lowers cholesterol so check with your doctor if on meds for that. Croak the Candida, detox the acetaldehyde, heal the guts, and perk the liver up with L-Carnitine. Ascorbic Acid can help with bouts of brain fog from such chronic inflammation. EMERGEN-C is handy for this.