Re: Is there any way to inject it instead of drink it???
I have read several pages of UT q&a and just had to give an answer to this old post.
Yes. Injections work! I did injections at a clinic in Houston back in the 80s before it was shut down. Now as to what was wrong w/the therapy? Nothing!! But, big pharmaceutical companies can't very well patent urine, now can they? And actually, we all have an pretty well unlimited supply.
You would need some Millipore filters (2), some syringes (1
inch needles)and a clean, small olive jar to centrifuge the urine in your washing machine for a few minutes. lol
We started w/1 cc and worked up to 10 at the clinic. I learned how to do the procedure later from the nurse when the clinic was closed. This DIY procedure isn't for the faint of heart.
Does it work? Just a couple of quick personal observances. I had always been made sick by even 1/2 chigger bites. They left a raised, itchy place the size of a half dollar and I would run a fever and feel bad for 10 days to 2 weeks. I accidentally got bit while doing the urine injections and afterwards I just get normal chigger bites like everyone else. It had been a very limiting problem for someone that likes outdoors as much as I do. I couldn't even go into my own yard unless it was cold weather.
Much of the south is afflicted w/fire ants. You will know why they are called that if you ever get bitten by one. But, after being innoculated for them (accidentally, of course)w/the injected UT I now don't get any kind of reaction at all past the intial bite.
I would have to eat a small amt (maybe 1/2 to 1 teaspoon)of allergic foods the day before injection and avoid those foods the rest of the time. Once, the allergic foods made me ill w/a migraine . When I arrived for my appointment I had just urinated so the nurse put me in a bed for an hour before getting a speciman. I was so sick, nauseated, etc. Within 15 min of taking my injection I was feeling well, able to walk and ready to eat!
The nurse told me that during an a migraine caused by allergies your body is making antigens like crazy so I would have gotten a hugh dose of what I needed to heal. My theory is that you are probably making endorphins too, as I didn't just feel better in 15 minutes, I was well, normal, felt really good! And, I have never had anything for migraine pain that worked like that. I would not have believed it was possible if it hadn't happened to me. Forget placebo effect too. I had no idea that migraine like that could be cured w/o divine intervention!!
When I went to the clinic my IGe was 4, I felt really good when they finally got it up to 19. lol Some people that wre really well will have an IGe of up to 1000, just for reference.
But, do be careful. You aren't fooling w/something that can't matter. If you don't have a little medical background you might want to skip this DIY procedure. And, keep in mind that done professionally they use lidocaine for the pain as the shot can really burn so badly you might think you will die from it.