Re: A true Christian
yes, a facking good idea: Get those who are angry, unsatiable, greedy, cruel heads of ways into illusion out of Satan to cool, satasfy the second dimension, to feel and sense in them around them and to be aware and act occordingly and practically and coherently and let us live. these will be real christain where it is truly needed. HOw can you get the women to satisfy the point so desired to be apeaced or how can you get men to stop making the bridge with ideas and rubbish and controls and rules and symbols and hopes just to fill the time or the gap or the darkness - do men get it in peace or completely gratified or the now illusion of all the gap is real good light. Have you noticed how cruel women keep tensed with intended sexua| temptation. YOU see people want the ideas, the emptiness and shit and struggle to defeat the real satisfaction; you see they want you to control and believe of this shit, this anti-nature or their very being. You see this bridge , no need of concept of relegion now, is take as a source of life and who care if it separates the dead from the living or the poor from sickened mind of relentless and ruth minds void of satisfaction or apeace having no gap. Is there a way that the poor satisfy himself now and stop making the stupid ideas or swallowing the bait? OR you chirstians love the false light and want to eat it. Do you enjoy frustration, ungratification so you will eat ideas and invention to ruin the nature that has to be catogorically apeace? what God you see as you claim to be followed and from what spirit is you calling? true LOVe or deception? you see there are evil men with ideas who want to live out of this evil illusion or ideas. They are paranoia, coward so that the unsatisfaction of natural stumilation and health is created to fill the gap and they have taken this as right and a way to hate father tell they will love to kill and then blame you as a hell to you. You see what christain we believed in and developed into men's world or symbols and evil attitude, doing or habit. now christains need no relegion any more to be on the bridge and keep facking lives. I think they need to be aware of their facking in the air. lol!