Re: A true Christian
How sad, that this obviously strong, intelligent and caring young man, gives away the credit for these traits to some sky fairy.
His beliefs obviously helps him to cope with his disability, and this is a good thing for him. The sad thing is that he promotes his beliefs to others by using his disability, effective, emotional, and for me terribly sad.
He has the life he lives today because he was fortunate to be born into a country that cares for the disabled, and parents that have enough money to give him as full a life as he has. I wonder how much he would be praising god if he were born in a country, and to parents, that didn't offer him opportunity and enable him to have a dignified and decent life.
As for waiting for a miracle from god??? Good luck with that one.
How about some videos of 'real christians' (well your idea of them) that aren't disabled, bewnyfur??