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Re: Strange fasting experience
MENDOMAID Views: 2,261
Published: 15 y
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Re: Strange fasting experience

There are several things I can think of for this type of reaction.

Your electrolyte balance became unbalanced. If you were slightly dehydrated when you began and you did not put any sodium and potassium salts in your green juice - and you became more dehydrated by not drinking enough water - this could have happened. I don't fast but sometimes I'm not able to eat and I become weak rather quickly so then I drink water with a sprinkle of salt and potassium chloride. Some sports drinks have balanced electrolytes. Drinking alcohol leaves a person dehydrated.

If this was a toxin problem then cleansing the kidneys and detoxifying the liver will help your body get the toxins out. Clark's kidney cleanse uses gravel root, marshallow root and hydrangia root with magnesium. It's not good for travelling but I have seen some capsules online which might work and some use the same herbs as Clark. There are also many detox products online which would fit in your suitcase. Tho Liver Cleanses do get some toxins out of your body it is not the preferred method of detoxifying the liver and body so you may want to do some liver support teas or capsules. Ethanol is a toxin which kills liver cells and each time a person overindulges more damage is done. Given some help the liver cells will regenerate.


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