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Re: taenia solium
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Re: taenia solium

If I can't get a prescription, I'll keep using the eyebright hoping and praying they get rid of them. Early into the Humaworm capsules, I passed in one stool many large retangular...ish segments which were probably tapeworm. Since I have what is probably tapeworms in my eyes, does this mean that I still have a big pork tapeworm in my intestines?

Maybe something is wrong with my immune system in that it isn't killing off the pinworms while using the herbs? I'm not sick so don't understand why. But I have felt very tired for a couple years now. Think something must have been "brewing" in my system, ready to make me ill.

With pinworms and now worms in my eyes, don't know how bad things are going to get. Don't know where this can lead but am worried.

Thanks RG


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