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Re: taenia solium
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Re: taenia solium

Thanks for the response RG.

I thought maybe the bugs are dying so they're trying to escape through my eyes but I don't know.

Yesterday, I called our local infectious disease dept who said they couldn't see me without a referral from a doctor, so I went to an opthamologist and I gave him the worms in a baggie. He said they didn't look like worms to him. I told him I felt them moving in my eyes, did an eyewash and they washed out. My husband told the doctor that he's been the biggest skeptic over the last few months, until he saw these worms come out of my eyes.

The Dr examined me and said he didn't see anything. How frustrating.

What pharmeucital should be taken for this? After a round of them, is it still beneficial to use the humaworm parasite killer? During the die off period, are they doing damage to my eyes while I feel no pain at all?
Thanks RG


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