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Re: iodine and knee joint
I will chime in on this one:
I have right knee issue for years and low back stuff also.
I am an osteopathic bodywork I get the honor of working on peoples organs as well as bones, joints ligament, nerves, blood vessels, and much more.
I see all the time in my practice people who have knee pain, which comes from hip range of motion restriction, which comes from hip flexor shortening, which comes from a kidney that has strain in it or its surrounding fascias or the renal artery which feeds it or the ureter which drains it. The body is doing all this muscle joint stuff to compensate for the organ which is not happy and is of much higher priority.
Iodine causing detox strain to a kidney and then causing knee pain is not a stretch for me at all.
I got very excited when I got my
SSKI from Trapper a couple of months ago and I took too much too quickly and my low back went out because my kidneys freaked out from the toxin dump and in my case kidneys that are "clogged" or whatever the exact physiologic deal that is happening
anyway, that is my two cents from the bodywork arena.
I am also wondering about heavy metals in the kidneys in my case maybe more than bromide because I am having some shifting going on with my potassium/sodium balance.....
so maybe it is my adrenals that are freaked out or both
still trying to figure it out