Swish colloidal silver around the tooth several times a day and then swallow. The infection should be gone within a few days. If you don't have it on hand and don't know where to get it, my two suggestions are from Utopia Silver or Mesosilver. Utopia Silver is a Curezone sponsor and they have a special first time buyer offer where you receive one bottle free for every 8 oz bottle ordered. However, since it only applies to Curezone members, you must call them to receive this offer.
The thing is, they will not be open until Monday. If your condition is dire and there is pain involved,go to a health food store and get their colloidal silver. It won't have the quality of Utopia and Mesosilver, but it will get you by and probably relieve the infection. Colloidal silver from health food stores is mostly ionic, and luckily, ionic silver does work well with tooth infections.