So, where are all the blue or nerve damaged people? How about silica?
Why do you suppose human nerve tissues have specific silver receptors? Perhaps that might explain in part why silver might bioaccumulate in nerve tissue, hmmm? The CURRENT thinking is that, regardless of any nutritional value, silver is an essential trace element and that one of its functions is to help with nerve regeneration the same as it does with other tissues. Some scientists believe that silver receptors will be found on other kinds of tissue as well. Of course, such information was not known or believed 25 YEARS AGO at the time your quoted study on argyrosis was conducted.
Properly made and ingested ultra small particle colloidal and ionic silver does not cause argyrosis (argyria) and you cannot offer a shred of evidence to the contrary. The EPA itself has concluded that ingestion of reasonable amounts of silver is safe. Tens of millions of people have taken colloidal and ionic silver for many years now. Where are all the tribes of smurffs? Where, for that matter, are all the nerve damaged people?
Few people have taken as much silver as the infamous 'Blue Man" Paul Karason - who improperly made a home ionic silver solution in tap water and contaminated it with salt. How do you explain then that, other than his blue skin condition, he was given a clean bill of health after a complete physical at Mount Sinai Hospital?
It would say that what the "prima facie" evidence clearly indicates is that your stated beliefs in silver being dangerous are without merit.
Ponder this if you will: Silicon also conducts electricity. Would you have us believe, by token of the same reason used for silver, that silica also induces clinical progression of disease?