Gotta disagree with you Jonathan. Show me one instance of harm from someone who took true colloidal silver or even properly made ionic silver that was not large particle huge PPM silver suspended in animal protein and mislabeled as colloidal silver or else homemade ionic silver made improperly with tap water, contaminated with salt and consumed in huge quantities over a long period of time. That is what the much-ballyhooed blue man, Papa Smurf Paul Karason did to turn himself into a media freak.
If silver is so harmful, how do you explain that Karason, the bluest of the blue people and one of the biggest consumers of silver on the planet, was given a clean bill of health after a complete physical at Mount Sinai hospital?
"I predict that there will be many, many people who will have neurological degeneration from taking these products."
And I predict that you will be proven to wrong. Millions of people around the world have taken colloidal and ionic silver products for many years now. Where are all the damaged people? For that matter, where are all the tribes of Smuffs? Argyria is extremely rare and I personally have never heard of anyone getting Argyria from true colloidal silver. You maintain that one of your clients did so. If such was the case, I challenge you to tell us what product they used, how much they used and for how long - and to furnish proof of what you are alleging.
How do you rebut the following:
According to the EPA, 90-95% of ingested silver particles are eliminated from the body within two days and 99% are gone within a week (1). Furthermore, the bluest of the blue people, "Papa Smurf" Paul Karason was given a clean bill of health at Mount Sinai Hospital. (2) Karason, like the Montana senator who has bluish skin, did not actually take colloidal silver. Instead, he took large quantities of home-made ionic silver made with tap water and contaminated with salt for a prolonged period of time.
When it comes to scientific studies regarding the benefits of internal silver, in 2008 it was reported that researchers in Hungary found specific silver receptors on human tissue - an indication that silver plays an important role in human health. (3) A joint study between the University of Texas and Mexico University published in the Journal of Nanotechnology showed that silver nano-particles of sizes 1-10nm attached to HIV-1 prevented the virus from bonding to host cells. (4)
Another study, conducted by the Department of Microbiology at Kyungpook National University in Daegu, Korea, and published in the prestigious Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, found that nano-silver was comparable in effectiveness to Amphotericin B, one of the most powerful prescription antifungal drugs known to man, which is often used intravenously to cure serious systemic fungal infections. The same study also found that nan-silver was superior to the well-known anti-fungal drug fluconazole (popularly known as Diflucan). (5)
In a recently completed study conducted by researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine and the University of Akron, Ohio, and presented at the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, researchers infected a group of mice with the bacteria Pseudomona aeroginosa. Psuedomona aeroginosa is a common cause of bacterial pneumonia in humans, especially those on ventilators, those with cystic fibrosis or those with compromised immune systems. Once infected, all the mice then inhaled aerosolized nano-particles once per day. In half of the mice, these particles contained antimicrobial particles known as silver carbene complexes (SCCs).
Mice that inhaled the SCCs had significantly lower concentrations of bacteria in their lungs than mice inhaling placebo nano-particles. Most significantly, none of the mice in the SCC group died, while all the mice in the control group did. (6)
1. The Environmental Protection Agency, Integrated Risk Information Program (IRIS), Silver; CASRN 7440-22-4
3. The Crusador - interview with Dr. Eric Rentz, circa June 2008
None of those studies reported any neurological or other damage. And no, oregano, green tea, olive leaf extract and turmeric would not likely produce the same results (much as I like all of those items).
Why do you suppose human nerve tissues have specific silver receptors? Perhaps that might explain in part why silver might bioaccumulate in nerve tissue, hmmm? The CURRENT thinking is that, regardless of any nutritional value, silver is an essential trace element and that one of its functions is to help with nerve regeneration the same as it does with other tissues. Some scientists believe that silver receptors will be found on other kinds of tissue as well. Of course, such information was not known or believed 25 YEARS AGO at the time your quoted study on argyrosis was conducted.
Properly made and ingested ultra small particle colloidal and ionic silver does not cause argyrosis (argyria) and you cannot offer a shred of evidence to the contrary. The EPA itself has concluded that ingestion of reasonable amounts of silver is safe. Tens of millions of people have taken colloidal and ionic silver for many years now. Where are all the tribes of smurffs? Where, for that matter, are all the nerve damaged people?
Few people have taken as much silver as the infamous 'Blue Man" Paul Karason - who improperly made a home ionic silver solution in tap water and contaminated it with salt. How do you explain then that, other than his blue skin condition, he was given a clean bill of health after a complete physical at Mount Sinai Hospital?
It would say that what the "prima facie" evidence clearly indicates is that your stated beliefs in silver being dangerous are without merit.
Ponder this if you will: Silicon also conducts electricity. Would you have us believe, by token of the same reason used for silver, that silica also induces clinical progression of disease?