Re: My Fast(ing) Day 7
Thank you for the GREAT message. You say, "don't worry... what happens on the fast... it's pretty much all good for you in the end". Thank you! That really encouraged me.
It IS a mental thing, as you say, to persevere and cultivate an attitude that lets one keep to a fast. You propose that the body enjoys it and i am sure this is true... it doesn't make me love fasting :) , but... I am sure it helps me to hear anything positive. I have had to work extra hard in this "willingness/attitude" area in order to become able to do the fasting my body needs. Thank you for your honesty about sometimes "hating" fasting also. I really needed to voice that I felt that resentment of having to do this fasting.
Thank you for reading my lengthy post.
I think your healing from the fast will extend to your social life and you will develop an in-person support group. I think Chiron said in a recent post here, maybe to you, that the healing of fasting is (largely?) mental (therefore encompassing the spiritual and emotional... & social)
Thanks again for your support, likewise!
-- so, when you punched the guy in your dream, what was the provocation :) ?? (just that he had food??? haha)