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Re: Fungi
Hveragerthi Views: 4,353
Published: 15 y
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Re: Fungi

 Thanks Hv, I will try the weak acid solution, we have found that if we don't kill the spores in the wetsuit, my partner keeps reinfecting himself. Would ozone applied directly to the skin kill off the fungus there.

Yes, if your unit is strong enough you can actually bag parts of the body to do larger areas. You can use garbage bags cut holes if needed for the head and extremities then blow the ozone in to the bag. How long will depend a lot on the strength of your unit.

I have a little ozone generator, and I made a little cupping device to treat small areas, (I treated an eye infection very successfully with this method), and would use this.

What are your thoughts on this?

Ozone is a great antiseptic for viruses, bacteria and fungi. It is a little irritating though if it gets directly in the eye, especially if you ever use a stronger unit.

Could I also use it to treat my partners ears?, as he gets fungal infections in his ears sometimes, again from surfing.

Yes, he would lie on his side and allow the ozone to blow in to the ear canal. Since ozone is heavier than air it will sink down in to the ear canal.

My friend suggested using a shower cap to treat his whole head, would this work also?

Yes, I have heard of people doing this for both scalp infections and to help promote hair growth.



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