Hey Hve, what do you think, is there any connection between the candidiasis and the hair loss? If it is, what is best to wash my hair with? My hair is so thin and rare now that my scalp can be seen through it. I am desperate especially because i am a girl. Should i take any supplements to stop it? What should i do? I also have a mycosis on my leg and the muscle or the bone(i can't tell) is hurting me exactly in that area. What to do? Thank you.
Some fungi can cause hair loss, but it is usually in patches.
If you are losing hair across the top of the head only then it is likely elevated DHT levels.
If you are losing hair all over your head then the most likely culprits are either hypothyroidism or autoimmune alopecia.
More details would help me give you better guidance.
If you do suspect hypothyroidism check your basal body temperature to find out for sure:
My fiance has been losing a considerable amount of facial hair started out with patches and keeps expanding. Yesturday I noticed some of his eyelashes on the bottom were missing as well. Now I suspect that fungi is the main culprit because on most of his back he has small white blotches and goes away with a tan.
Plan of action:
Adaptogenic herbs for immune/ adrenals
internally, externally water kefir, apply Vicks vapor rub and or thyme w/ olive oil
Am I on the right track? missing anything?
That does sound like a fungal infection.
And any of the topical recommendations should work. You do not need all of them. Vick's is going to be hard to wash back out of the beard. So the thyme oil diluted with either olive or coconut oil or applying kefir to the skin to restore the flora and acidity would be the best choices. He can do both but separately since the thyme would likely kill the kefir flora as well in direct contact.
Another simple trick if it is not too raw is to spray the area with an acidic solution such as lemon juice to restore the acidity. Fungus does not like acidity but thrives if the skin is too alkaline.
Hv, would ozone work against fungal infections? My partner gets surfers fungus every year at this time, he treats the his skin with iodine, and this works, but I was wondering if I soaked his wetsuit in ozonated water, or bubbled the ozone through the water while the wetsuit was in it, would this kill the fungal spores?
Cisco, feel free to chime in on this as I know you have a lot of knowledge in this area.
Ozone works great for fungus, but it will also "eat" the neoprene of the wetsuit.
You would be better off making a weak solution of citric acid to soak the wetsuit in for about 30 minutes to kill any fungus then rinse and dry.
Thanks Hv, I will try the weak acid solution, we have found that if we don't kill the spores in the wetsuit, my partner keeps reinfecting himself. Would ozone applied directly to the skin kill off the fungus there.
Yes, if your unit is strong enough you can actually bag parts of the body to do larger areas. You can use garbage bags cut holes if needed for the head and extremities then blow the ozone in to the bag. How long will depend a lot on the strength of your unit.
I have a little ozone generator, and I made a little cupping device to treat small areas, (I treated an eye infection very successfully with this method), and would use this.
What are your thoughts on this?
Ozone is a great antiseptic for viruses, bacteria and fungi. It is a little irritating though if it gets directly in the eye, especially if you ever use a stronger unit.
Could I also use it to treat my partners ears?, as he gets fungal infections in his ears sometimes, again from surfing.
Yes, he would lie on his side and allow the ozone to blow in to the ear canal. Since ozone is heavier than air it will sink down in to the ear canal.
My friend suggested using a shower cap to treat his whole head, would this work also?
Yes, I have heard of people doing this for both scalp infections and to help promote hair growth.