Thank you for posting! I am very interested in your post removal symptoms. When did you numbness start and how long does it last? My Mirena was surgically removed in Nov. My left foot went numb about 6 weeks ago and my leg hurts constantly. The back Dr. said I do have some stenosis but he doesn't think that's the cause. My pinkie fingers go numb at night. Also, where are your shooting pains? Mine are in the left abdomen/pelvis for 10 days over ovulation, but I'm afraid that's scar tissue from the IUD going into the abdomen. Guess I can't do much about that. The gyn. wants me to go back on the pill to see if it helps with the fatigue and possible endometriosis, but I sure don't want to. Pain management wants me to get an epidural shoot in my last disc, and the phys. ther. is treating me for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. The medical community is stumped. I should probably wait it out by I have been in pain daily for 365 days now and am fed up with it.