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Re: arterial blockages
Hveragerthi Views: 8,806
Published: 15 y
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Re: arterial blockages

 Does monomethylsilanetriol convert to orthosilicic acid when ingested?


I found this, which appears to answer the question:

"The Panel notes that the use of monomethylsilanetriol is proposed to provide maximum 15

mg silicon/day (equivalent to 0.84 mg monomethylsilanetriol/kg bw/day and 0.25 mg

silicon/kg bw/day for a 60 kg adult). However, no adequate data on the bioavailability of

silicon from monomethylsilanetriol have been provided and no data on the toxicity of

monomethylsilanetriol are available.

The Panel also notes that there is presently no experimental evidence demonstrating the

conversion of monomethylsilanetriol to orthosilicic acid.

Given the absence of adequate data on the bioavailability of silicon from

monomethylsilanetriol and the toxicity of monomethylsilanetriol, the Panel could not assess

the safety of the source and the bioavailability of silicon from this source."



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