Re: arterial blockages
Whew. Thanks so much. I was going to recommend Black strap molasses b/c of the minerals, but I was concerned that it could thicken the blood. I read it strengthens the heart- is that ok to add?
BSM is high in iron and adding more iron is not a good idea for a number of reasons. It promotes oxidative damage in excess, which can lead to further blockages. And iron feeds many bacteria. Bacterial infections have also been implicated in arteriosclerosis. Men in particular do not have efficient ways to rid the body of excess iron other than binding with tannins or phytates from diet, or blocking its absorption.
I was thinking he could go to an agri-supply store to get food grade Diatomaceous earth, but I'm concerned about him breathing the stuff in. What do you think? Maybe you know of a trick to prevent that...
Add the DE to water and let it settle out. I add a spoon full to a gallon of water then allow it to settle out. The water reacts with the silica forming orthiosilicic acid, which is what the body absorbs and utilizes. This is actually a more efficient way to utilize the silica anyway since silica is poorly absorbed. If you take a spoon full or even a capsule of silica the majority of it will just pass right through the system. By dissolving a little in the water he will absorb a little each time he takes a drink of water. This will lead to much larger total daily absorption. Once the DE settles out the "mud" is left on the bottom of the water container and the water above it removed for drinking. As the water level goes down just add more water and let the water settle out again. This process is repeated over and over. A spoon full of silica will last several years, but I generally dump it out after about 6 months and start over.