I found the so called Smoking Gun! Well, it's not bad. It's the first solid research papers I have come across on distilled water and TDS since I have been dragging the bottom of this Internet ocean. It's not bad either, mostly in laymen's language, although there is a fair amount of scienctific equations, a little advanced math, but nothing that hard to understand with a little diligence. This is the best evidence I have found on the Internet as of yet. After reading this, its quite astounding if it's true that no really solid studies of humans drinking distilled water for at least a five year period subjected to strict lab conditions and analysis has not been done where at least 50 or more subjects were involvled. I know that would be expensive and probably a government project, but isn't the truth about water worth it? However, other evidence presented here is reasonably compelling.
Anywhere, read this, it's reasonable proof that Distilled water is safe to drink.