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Re: O.T Our modern day world (EDIT) Views: 1,935
Published: 15 y
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Re: O.T Our modern day world (EDIT)

The aluminum is in the soil from the stuff being chem-trailed--Monsanto to the rescue:

>>Now, let’s take a look at journalist Michael Murphy’s research into chemtrails, geo-engineering, and the fact that extremely high levels of aluminum and barium are found in water, snow and soil, in areas shown to have heavy chemtrail patterns (three-part video):

Coincidence that Monsanto will “come to the rescue” with aluminum resistance genes because normal plants die off in the presence of excess aluminum? Or opportunistic capitalism and planned corporate food monopoly courtesy of Monsanto and the Hegelian Dialectic based on insider information that a proposed “geo-engineering” scheme is already in place that is filling our atmosphere with chemtrails containing aluminum and barium?

This is no game folks. We are being hit from all sides with a planned, homicidal, genocidal agenda to make a very few families even richer than they already are, and reduce the world’s population to 500 million as set forth in the Georgia Guidestones. This is nothing short of biological warfare

Read down through the comments:
Monsanto is genetically engineering crops to resist the toxic effects of aluminum – to increase c…But wait! Aluminum levels in soil and water have never been a problem until the last few years when they started spraying it into the atmosphere supposedly to reduce global warming – which isn't happening. So why do they continue? If enough aluminum can be dumped on the planet to stunt traditional crops, farmers will have to buy genetically engineered seeds from Monsanto. Hmmm.]


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