Re: My Own Paranormal Story
Powerfull memory S.
Out of body experiences really reveal to us how much is unconsidered in our society and what it spends its time on. you are certainly on the road to awakening.
Are you familiar with the traditional meaning of poltergist activity. It is associated most commonly with young girls. If you havent researched it yet you might get some good information there also.
Your story is going to give one of the religious crowds much to warn you about ect, as you probably know. Research that too. How the whole enemy thing became and its place in history and reality.
Id say the power in your experience is that there is a lot to learn here and we rarely learn it in school.In fact can you imagine sharing such experiences in almost any american school setting and all the missunderstanding, fear and ignoring of the reality of your experience it would arouse.
Its telling how in many setting tho if you brought this story to show and tell, many others would chime in with their similar stories and the teachers also.
The information as to realities workings are, as we mentioned in the begining, only unavailable to those who dont want to know.