Waterdesign and Refeeding.
Hi WaterDesign,
Amazing job going 40 days! My two cents to follow :).
"Two more weeks of detox sympyoms and the nasty tongue taste? Really??? I did not think it would drag out this far, seriously. I thought I'd get my strength back by now or at least on my way there... but i'm not even close, i'd say. I'm still quite weak. Folding one small load of laundry and i can barely breathe. I would so love to get off this detox sooner rather than later."
After a 40 day uncompleted fast we need to be very, very patient. In my experience after only 30 days my nasty tongue went away i believe within a day or two, but i did feel quite weak and surprisingly so for many days. A progression where i got stronger each day but didn't feel moderately strong until about 7 days and back to normal strength until about 14 days. And 40 days of fasting (as compared to 30) would only make this return to strength even more gradual.
"At 3 a.m. i got up to pee and did not take the usual precaution (thinking i'm superwoman already, heck i'm eating after all). Anyway, i got dizzy and fell and hit my forehead/eye/face against the side of the bathtub. Just glad i did not hit my mouth and loose a tooth!"
This is an amazing story and i'm glad you're ok. As you say, quite unexpected since you were eating, but it's a good warning to us all. Yes i continued to feel light-headed for about 5-7 days in emerging from my fast. I believe in my case this was true for so many days because i continued to lay down a lot.
"This morning, I had a half cup of Watermelon and an hour later an orange. That was 3 hours ago and my stomach feels like its full of acid. I am so unconfortable...should i be doing something different? Switch to veggies perhaps?"
In my opinion and after a 40 day uncompleted fast, it is way too early for whole fruits... and this is what your body is telling you. Juice is quite a bit more digestively simple and I believe you will be amazed at how much better you feel if you stick only to juices for several days or at least 90% juices, 10% whole juicy fruit (if you can have so little fruit and refrain from more which is hard for me to do). I have live juice and also the cooked juices of greens like kale/collards and also broccoli, tomatos, garlic, onions and other vegetables. I would recommend 7-10 days like this or even more depending on what your body is telling you.
I once fasted only 10 days and my body was very uncomfortable with whole fruits and greatly overwhelmed and bogged down by them until i stepped back and juiced for 2 days leading into it. After my 30 day fast i needed 90% juice for about 7 days before my body was ready to move into whole fruits. I also believe you will be able to re-gain your strength faster with juice since your body will be able to handle it far better and in larger quantities.