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My life. What do I do?

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

sources Views: 3,224
Published: 15 y

My life. What do I do?

I just found the forums a little bit ago and I feel like I'm leaping into a new world right now. I don't even know where to start, but here goes.

I started losing my hair since about 13-14 years old, thinning on top by a large amount ( I have to shave my head ) and my widows peak is pretty up there. But it stayed the same since 16. I'm 21 now. I also break out every time I eat something processed, have cabrs/sugar, or anything that's not on the candida diet. A couple years back I was directed to a holistic nutritionist that said I have candida. I kept snooping around to find out that I might have parasites as well. I always stayed on a candida diet, which prevents me breaking out, but my skin looks bad even when it's clear; I have huge pores, my skin feels aged, I have scars from the Acne I used to have when I had sugar, and I have some fine lines I'm not too proud about. Even then, if I accidentally eat something after a long time of keeping the diet, I break out; I'm just keeping the candida/ parasites at bay but not getting rid of them. I couldn't buy any probiotics or any antifungals due to the expensiveness of it.

I came across what I hope will save me called the Candida Clearance Rotation Protocol, at
. I'm very excited to try it, and in it, it tells me to do a modified version of the Hulda Clark liver flush. (
) I did some snooping and came across these boards. I read around, and it seems like candida/ parasites are added problems to the bigger picture, maybe my entire organs are out of whack. My liver, bowels, kidneys, gallbladder, etc; they could be completely off.

So this is all background information to lead into my questions: What exactly do I do to completely have a healthy body? Can my skin get better? Is it possible to grow the hair I lost if it is due to some issues with what I mentioned above? Does this affect thyroid conditions? Where do I start? In what order should I cleanse my organs/get rid of candida/parasites/toxins?

I would love if anyone can help me with any of these questions, it doesn't have to be all.

Thanks, it's good to always know more.


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