And then, there are full spectrum lamps, Ott lamps, etc.
According to Dr. Ott and others our standard lighting is bad for the adrenals, and health in general.
Full spectrum lights, I doubt the cheapies you find at WalMart etc. but those on full spectrum light websites, help to build up vitamin D and strengthen adrenals, reportedly
The light bulbs are kinda pricey, but probably not in the long run as they last far longer than the standard kind, also the swirly design helps to cut down on the necessary wattage, also saving money.
I suspect it is pointless to use the lightbulbs with shades over them so got some light fixtures where they are not going to be covered.
As for me, when at the computer I have them turned on me full blast and will be moving a portable Ott light around with me thought my home so I can get it up close and personal near my skin.