Re: Confusion and in Tears
Hi Annamarie,
You are absolutely right that with care and time the body can heal itself.
The fact that you no longer desire coffee, sugar, etc is a blessing! Ditto for the dairy products. Not sure about the soy stuff you are taking. Go to the ask Shelley forum, she is really knowledgeable in this area.
I would suggest vegetable juicing, specifically carrots because of the calcium content and lots of other goodies which would help with your vitamin deficiencies.
I am not a doctor, but I wouldn't call osteopenia a disease, more of a signal from your body that something isn't quite right. If ignored, osteoporosis can result. Fortunately, you have not only recognized the signal but have also chosen to do something about it.
Bones are constantly remodelling themselves, so I see no reason why you couldn't reverse your condition thru diet and exercise without medication.
As for the synthetic hormone, I am really not sure. My instinct is that it would not be a good thing, but your absence of menstrual periods is a little concerning. I would address this question to Andreas, in the
Ask Andreas Forum . It seems you have a lot of issues going on and Andreas may help you get to the root of your problem.
Also, go to the blue bar near the top of the screen, click on ailments, then osteoporosis. Read it.
Prepare to start some cleansing!
Good luck and best wishes,