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Hey DolphinMonkey, just getting back to you!!
Surfer27 Views: 2,529
Published: 14 y
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Hey DolphinMonkey, just getting back to you!!

Hey Dolphin Monkey,
Surfer27 here. I just got your reply back. Thanks for getting back to me. I really appreciate it!! The way I see it, if we can all get back to each other's emails, then we'll be able to figure out what we all have in common with this fecal Body Odor ! I am assuming that, you do have what's called fecal Body Odor , where you smell like feces right? Also, just wanted to say congrats on, you getting yourself better and your accomplishments!! It does take certain steps to get better, but once we figure out where to go and the medicines we take help us, it pretty much feels like smooth sailing, when something is working for you!!! I know it must take a huge burden off of your shoulders, from having this Body Odor of yours!!! I know it would for me. Now, in your post you explained how, you noticed that when taking it, you don't smell like feces right? Are you saying that when you take the bowel nosode drops, that your fecal body odor is quite diminished?? Are you also saying, that by taking 1 bowel nosode drop a month, that your anal area smells alot better both, inside and out? When you said that it gets stuff out, are you saying that you feel more cleaned out, or am I misreading something here? Fourthly, when you are out in public, do you notice that more people tend to be more polite and kind to you, now that you've gotten your fecal body odor, under some control? Do you find, that it's getting easier for you to leave your house and go back into society and hang out in crowded areas, without anyone saying anything? I am asking all of this, because whenever I go out into public, because of my fecal body odor which is very overpowering, I get alot of comments from people, who say: ewww, what's the smell? smells like someone crapped their pants? it smells like crap? etc, etc. I deal with this constant humiliation from people almost daily, depending on how much I go outside the house. Let me ask you a question. Have you personally been told that you smelled like crap before? Has any of your parents, friends or complete strangers said that, you've got to clean yourself better, because they can smell a crap like odor around you? I am sorry for all of the questions, but if you could get back to me soon, that would be great. I am still trying to figure out, if buying the Homeopathic Bowel Nosode drops is the best thing for me, being that I don't have any kind of bacterial infection at all. Anyways, hope to hear from you soon. Take care. Bye.


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