Hiya Yes since I was about 9 on and off (im 19 now) i have had the hygiene comments and smell comments and a couple of times people have just said it straight like m8 you stink (it was always
Body Odor until 2 years ago when the fecal odor started i think once u get the shit smell its like the body really cant take anymore). At its worst (last summer) the worst its eva bin in my life people would be on the same side of the road as me and shouting stuff - but that was an extreme few weeks that got kicked off from taking alot of remedies so i had like an extreme die off. But i really think its important to let go of what people have said to you in the past cos i remeber just writing down in lists all the comments id got, its so damaging when ure trying to move on - one of the most important things about getting better is being aware of paranoia (i promise you im not saying ure paranoid about smelling trust, i kno how frustratin it is wen ppl say that to u and make u feel like ure whingin bout nothing) but feeling paranoid in the sense that this is all you ever think about and it take over ure personality, i promise woteva ppl say to you or how disgusted they look this problem is always worse to us than it is in reality - people dont hate us because we smell, There is an emotional cause behind this that has to be addresses else all the diets and potions in the world will never work. personally i think therapy is a long drawn out process that can take years and years and never really help. That is another reason i would recomend you going to a homeopath - obviously she can help you with the physical, the root problems and helping control the symptoms, but is also a really important chance 4 u to talk to sum1 who knows there stuff about what has happened to you and what youve been through - i know curezone is gud how we can come on and share our stories but alot of it on here is just going round in circles reading peoples heartache and thats not gonna help you you have to talk to someone about this find out where its stemming from, although im sure you already probably know and when your able to gain control of your emotions, that is when youll see the biggest change. Homeopathy is like completly holistic so physical emotional and mental - personally alongside homeopathy ive gone to a reflexologist a cuple of times who also showed me E.F.T
and Reiki - all these things ahve helped so much - you have to try not to get bogged down by these symptoms as crushin as i know they are and always be looking at the bigger picture -
With the bowel nosodes it really dont work like , i take them and then i dont smell, the remedies(little pills) dont treat the symptoms they clear out your body from the inside one organ at a time, like a cleanse on here, and as there clearing obviously so much shit comes out that the smell is lessened as i go along - so other symptoms are changed aswell like your skin, your breath, your emotional/mental state, your general health, sometimes getting worse b4 it gets better - cos its treatin u completly holistically and from scratch - im not trying ramble or patronise you i just wanna explain it clearly as i can so u dont just rush in2 it
Aswell the nosodes are realted to the chakras and with each nosode you clear a chakra and that chakra is realted to different organs and parts of you its all linked up.
Yes Ive noticed a difference in the social side of things - but its a slow process and you dont wake up changed one day - alot of the social change has been me realisin wot is real or not, what situations are really about me, realisin everybody has shit like this they go through, but the extreme and obvious stuff like the outrage bout the smell that is gone-and friends who've told me i smelt b4 now seem to have completly 4goten, although i have noticed and i fink dis is quite interestin that the job i started last summer when it was at its height, when i go into work i still have trouble with the smell - this to me is just proof that its emotionally charged - bcos all i associated with that place is being paranoid off my face being the new smelly girl, everything bout it revolved round the smell so i think maybe i need to leave the job behind to really let go of the smell cos we hold on to it 4 a reason. I dunno if this'll mean anything 2 u but Louise Hay (her book You can heal your life - thats helped me a bit aswell) she said
Body Odor is caused by hatred of the self and fear of other people. I know thats spot on 4 me, and doin her afffirmations and generally tryna get out that skool of thought has been a big big help - Aswell on the physical side I always knew the shit smell was partly from my mouth cos i used to have it on the back of my tongue (do that tongue test where u rub 2 fingers on the back of ure tongue and smell it - thats ure breath) but that faded but the other day i was on the nosode 4 clearing the sinuses and my ears were clearing out with such a strong fecal odor - this goes to show the smell could also be coming from ure sinuses - like sometimes if theres an old sandwich ill smell it as shit but i know other people dont. Its really just trying to understand ure body and how its connected to ure head - dunno if im really answerin ure questions here if you have any more i promise ill keep it shorter next time Keep on going with wot ure doing and anuva thing ive realised is all the things that have helped me the most have come from inside me like resources i already have (breathing, thinking, tapping etc) rather than things ive bought - also do you get any other smells or is it just the fecal? Right sorry to go on here lots of luv xxxxxxxxxx