Re: Low cortisol & low progesterone supplements, anxiety
I also painted myself with
Lugol's Iodine over 3 years ago, and it's effects nearly killed me. I also know someone else on this forum and there are probably more who this happened to as well.. I also had a swollen thyroid 3x the size and it took many many months until it stopped being painful. What I learned is that one should never take
Lugol's if your adrenals are exhausted. It totally crashes them. The thyroid and the adrenals work together and if the thyroid is supercharged by the
Iodine (my thyroid got to the most optimum level), the weak adrenals will crash and you've created a huge problem.
Personally, my liver cleanse has not given me any side effects at all. I just feel better from it, not worse. Cleaning the liver will help heal your thryoid, too. Have you ever been on Julia Chang's website? It is really good. Here is a link
to one of her articles:
Another really good thing you can do is juice a good cup of green veggies everyday like kale, cabbage, swiss chard, parsley, broccoli, dandilion greens... I just bought myself one of those Heathmaster juicers, where it blends the whole vegetable. I think I'm seeing good effects.
I bought my Vitex from here:
I like the Vitex because it is not a hormone, it just naturally allows your hypothalamus/pituitary to balance your hormones on it's own, lowering estrogen and raising progesterone. Vitex in large doses like a lot of brands have, can give you side effects, so that is why I caution you to take no more than 40 mg a day, and even that, you don't have to take it everyday.. Just experiment and see what is right for you. If you do get any side effects, you can just stop, and they will go away. After a while, the Vitex can give you permanent results. One of the things I really have loved is that my skin and hair is so much more youthful in moisture and's really a fountain of youth.
Another thing you could also try is buying DIM. It is made from broccoli. It metabolizes estrogen into good estrogen and gets rid of the bad. I also take it and felt a balancing of my mood almost immediately. DIM has absolutely no side effects.
All in all, the liver and also kidney cleansing is the key to good health.