its not safe in there. in and out. they couldnt find a way to tell us we had to head for surgery immediately so we fled the scene.
is it normal for the hospital to want employer, hours worked, address, phone number, etc? she has an insurance card that covers everything. whats witht he twenty questions? i figure its part of hunting down employers to make sure they give insurance or pay their fine. gather that info now before it takes affect, i guess.
and the emphasis on privacy. man is that ever social engineering. no one will ever see trends keeping track of that paperwork. and the industry is totally despotic about the rules. instant dismissal for the tiniest infraction. they could be the intake person for auschwitz and never know what happens beyond their desk. i also figure thats the point.
oh yea, sorry. the ultrasound was cool. far advanced from 20 years ago. i hope they got a good look. its the only one theyll get.