Yes, it also has many other health benefits. I've read hundreds of testimonials of DE and tons of people have found worms. I even read one where someone passed a 6in worm. I've read on this one forum where this lady had lessons? not sure what is exactly. she had 1 behind her ear and another 1 somewhere on her face , Its like a pimple but bigger i'm guessing. they showed up after taking DE and continued to grow then poped and little rice like things came out. It had to be worms. she was also seeing worms in the toilet. So I guess the Silicia in DE is bad for them and they tried running away. IDK. But I got DE this Wednesday and I'm taking it everyday 1Tsb every morning and Night for about 4 days then ima bump up to 1tbsp, then 2xtbsp a day.. DE is completely safe and has Tons of benefists. I sleep better, wake up full of energy, just feel better all over. If you haven't tried it, I suggest you do.