anyone had side effects with Isocort?
My chiropractor suggested Isocort because I am so exhausted and I am still having sympotoms of hypo on 3/4 grain of naturethroid. I also have Hashimotos. If I try to increase my naturethroid I get sharp shooting pains and some itchiness and my heart beats louder. So I took one pellet of Isocort after lunch and I have never felt so good. I felt so clear, alert, awake and calm. Like I was a brand new person. The
Depression just lifted off. It was an amazing feeling. Im thinking is this how people are meant to feel? So I was very pleased. but the shooting pains came on more and felt extremely exhausted a couple of hours after. I also got a few hives on my back and a very sore throat! I wanted that good feeling back however and I took one pellet the next morning and another after lunch. Felt good but the shooting pains intensified. So I stopped taking Isocort.
Could it be an allergic reaction to the echinachia in Isocort? as far as the rash and sore throat go? After stopping Isocort, a few days later I came down with something like the flu, head cold and extremely exhausted,no aching. I went to bed for four days and just slept. Can anyone help me out here. No-one seems to know what the problem is and why I get these shooting sharp pains whenever I try to take my naturethroid up and then they got worse on Isocort.
Ive read somewhere that echinachia is contraindicated for autoimmune disease and I have Hashimotos. I cant seem to find anyone who has had a bad experience with Isocort? Anyone out there have any ideas or feedback?