15 y
Re: truly sinister plan to push vit d... (edit)
these would have you believe that the entire planet should be taken huge amounts of vitamin (edit D). the medical industry would like nothing better. these studies are are flawed. if you cared to looked behind the headlines, the are all based on the same flawed conclusion, that there is widespread vit d deficiency that must be treated with supplementation. The wonderful thing about correlational studies, they never prove a direct relationship between the variables studied. all based on assumption. ever wonder who is paying for all these wonderfully insightful pieces of correlational non-sense? or why?
see the article i posted above for example. if you read that study, you can't escape the conclusion that supplementing with vit d, even natural vit d, might "cure" rickets, only to cause allergies and autoimmune disease... how can you square that with the studies that claim that vitamin d supplements were created by god himself to cure all that ails mankind? you can't, but, nor is it necesssary to do so... because its quite possible they are all based on false correlation. all I would tell you, based on the physical issues you described earlier in your posts, you should have your body checked for vdr blockage. if you carry this issue, you might as well be ingesting arsenic as vitamin d. but you don't have to take my word for it, figure it out and wonder no more. otherwise, just another victim.