I had had the same ear surgery done when I was a kid and an earache treated by Antibiotics - a few years back -brought it back. I know for sure that once the ears are free of canida the remaining of my body will be okay but at night the mucus falls into my mouth and I swallow and thus contaminate my bowels on and on. That is why I now use the NeilMed sinus rinse at bectime with great results.
I was bedridden and all the doctors were saying I was okay, when I finally found out about candida. So it s been a long road. I m getting my quality of life back and nowadays, when I need to pop up my ears, I look closely at the ingredients in the stuff I have eaten for it means candida is flaring up - often because I have cheated.
I got rid of leaky gut- thyroid issues - toxic liver - adrenals. But now I do not even use antifungals anymore, just probiotics and kefir and I can tell I am close to the end.