Re: The Subtle Sociopath.
I once read some advice about dealing with those who present as Sociopathic: When entering a group, deal with individual members one at a time. Establish individual rapport. This will offset the mobbing dynamic that "S" are so skilled at launching.
For my next step in staying in this community, with the covertly aggressive S tagging me, I did this: I completely disassociated with those with whom he was demonstrating alliance. Instead I focused my attention on the peripherals of the group. This allowed my untouched presence to reestablish itself free from the taint that the messing around that the S was doing with my reputation.
It is the way of keeping your chi clean.
It has worked. My presence is once again endorsed by elements of the community and this endorsement asserts the subtle acceptance ambiance one needs for harmonious association. In time I am hoping that the minions of this bully will not see his ostracization of me as holding any profit to them.
Regrettably one has to engage all groups with the premise that the group is demonstrating sociopathic characterizations because inevitably one in twenty persons ARE sociopathic and therefore it follows that the nature of any group will contain this element.