FBO from FEET!
Hello everyone. I have this
Body Odor problem for 3 years now. My feet at first began to smell like something was burning then it was like an egg like smell and then it became a fecal
Body Odor .
I tried all type of products such as betadine, naftin, zeasorb, vinegar, tea, alcohol, bleach and nothing worked to get rid of the smell.
When I was in vacation they purchased 100% alcohol and vinegar for me and I was bathing my feet in this solution for around 30minutes. I noticed this made the smell go away but it would return hours later.
I then thought it had to be an internal issue so I went on a vegetable only diet and I noticed big improvements. It took a while but the smell went away alot. I also took supplements such as probiotics and anti candida pills and grapefruit seed extract.
I was happy with the progress I then began adding meat to my diet. I began eating chicken breast and salmon. I noticed that my odor is coming back. Not as strong but it's getting worst.
I don't know what exactly is wrong. Anyone has this problem and found a cure? I am taking psylium husk with
Bentonite while on the diet to clean out my colon. I just recently ordered prosit to speed up the process.
I read about
Liver Flush but since it involves apple juice I don't know if I should be eating/drinking sweet stuff.
Any advice please, I really need to get rid of this this year.