I developed overactive sweat glands in my feet so at times people would sniff and look at my feet. I then started to have sporadic incidents where people would jumpt away from me in shock - I eventually discovered I was giving off a smell like a sewer, and I actually smelled this coming up from my feet - like a gas. I think the smell sometimes must have come from all my pores, but I always had some sort of smell from my feet. WHile some of the odour may have related to internal issues, I believe I also had bacteria/fungus on my skin.
I discovered I had very dry skin on my heels and tiny, really tiny cuts between a couple of my toes. I have learned that if the ph level inside your body is off (I have candida and possibly a dysbiosis), this affects the ph on your tongue and skin. It would appear that the cuts on my heels have have held bacteria and the tiny cuts may have been related to candida?
I have had a nightmare trying to get rid of the dry heels. I am now in a routine of using a 'ped egg' every couple of weeks to get rid of hard skin, and once or twice a week bathe feet in
Epsom Salts . Twice a day I apply a cream (have done this for 8 weeks) and my heels are almost completely cleared, and so are my toes.
The creams I kept using were too low on urea to help me, and that was why I could never get rid of the dryness, but there are a couple of cremas on the internet with 40% urea which shold make a difference - google 40% urea and you should get some options. Also washing socks, bed linen and towels, does not always get rid of bacteria/fungus and you can re-transfer back to your feet. I use a product called Eradicil to wash these items - there might be other options. You might have to replace your shoes. You can also use a powder called On You Toes, which apparently kills bacteria etc as well.
It may be you have one issue such as candida, however, it would be worthwhile to check to see if you also have an external problem as well - baceria can stink to high heaven!!