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Dentist story
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Published: 14 y

Dentist story

So I take my kids to the dentist for their semi-annual cleaning. The first thing I say when I get to the office is 'NO FLOURIDE!" It is in their charts but I have to be sure.

Well, my youngest had 2 cavities in his back molars. I then get the lecture from the dentist and hygenist.

"Kristen, why won't you allow your children to have flouride? Can't you see now he has 2 cavities"

to which I respond....

"My knowledge to date is that this stuff is poison and I will not give it to my kids. My son has 2 cavities on his back molars most likely because he is not getting the tooth brush back there and the food is sitting and rotting. I will be sure to give him a lecture on proper brushing."

"However, I continue, I can assure you that your flouride treatments and flouride rinses are NOT going to stop him from getting cavities."

They tried to get me to feel stupid but I also ranted a little about how they didn't know what to do with the flouride years ago so they dumped it in our water system. The brainiacs out there decided that the teeth got healthier because our water system got flouride. I told them to start doing some research. It is not good stuff.

Frustrating isn't it.......


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