Hello guys,
Looking at the table above I am feeling great hopes in Chia Seeds. I was lucky and get few kilos to test the chia seeds meals. I have many questions on chia seeds?
1. What recipe would you recommend me so that I would make the best use of seeds?
2. When making chia seeds in meals with fruit I am not sure about fruit acids in fruit? Would not those acids oxidize unsaturated fats ( Omega 3 ) in chia seeds?
3. I remember two years ago I ate grinded salba seeds... Več
( close relative to chia seeds ) during few days ultra-marathon. I digest those seeds in that way that I soaked grinded seeds at the evening and then next day durin the race I ate that jello. If I grind chia seeds I have doubt that I can destroy unsaturated fats ( oxidizing ) with grinding? On the other way if notgrinding I am afraid I do not use full bioavailable if digesting whole soaked seeds. I am afraid that seeds are just passing through digestion system and the jellos is only matter that have positive influence. What is your opinion?