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Re: just tried Dr Hulda's liver cleanse
Ohfor07 Views: 1,836
Published: 20 y
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Re: just tried Dr Hulda's liver cleanse

Play around on this web site a bit, plug in a zip code that you've lived near, see the results. This will provide a decent sampling of some of the toxins you've been ingesting and breathing.

For any who are going to follow the Clark regimen, I advise reading her information on this regimen and trying to follow as closely as she describes; read> do not be tempted to go off willy-nilly adding this ingredient, deleting that ingredient, just because someone suggested it's a good idea or because "it tastes better that way". The Clark Liver Flush protocol is not about satisfying your taste buds; to the contrary, it's about satisfying the desire to improve your health, which many times is about doing the opposite of what tastes good. Scroll about half way down on the page found at the following link to get to the information on her Liver Flush protocol.



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