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#44564 fyi
hanna Views: 1,670
Published: 20 y
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#44564 fyi

I am a little older than you (69). My health always has been pretty good, but always had depression, though I did not realize it. When I was younger I thought I was homesick since I moved from Europe to here.
When Prozac came out I read an article and realized that they were describing me and that I had depression. I got on Prozac and it was wonderful. I often had to add amphetimines (sp?)(dexedrine) since lack of energy. After several years it wore off.
I changed to Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Trazadone and once in a while dexedrine. After a while that was wearing off while during the 2 years I DID MORE THAN 30 LIVERFlushes.
In October I went to see Andreas Moritz in North Carolina and he said as long as I kept using prescription drugs I had to keep flushing, because you keep creating new stones.
Since I was feeling pretty well I decided to quit the prescription drugs. My mind feels now clearer and for the rest it is the same as when I was on the pills. I even can sleep through the night. I still use the dexedrine if I want to clean my house or work in the yard. The energy is not too great, but I feel this is working well for me. I thought I share this experience with you, so you know you are not the only one.
BTW just keep flushing I never got too many stones out, like other people.



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