Well, 64643 I've spent about $60 already for this experiment to last a while (a month or more) . . . I think the repcillin is very intriguing but I'm wondering if there are other natural ingredients or beeswax mixed in with it. Also, I don't plan on using hydrocortisone products.
Can you say how long you did the shea butter and emu oil? Is the shea butter really visible? The emu oil isn't. The idea here is to test jp20s theory that we need to seal in the moisture (and over time reprogram the keratinocytes to slow down production -- my theory) and I know this runs full well against your theory that moisture feeds the growth of whatever micropathogens (that may be coming from the mouth cavity).
I want to find a good natural mouthwash that won't damage skin (baking soda, salt-water and alcohol are out). For now I may swish calendula oil or kefir.