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Re: Day 2, raw food diet, caffeine addiction

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

pepe Views: 1,599
Published: 15 y
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Re: Day 2, raw food diet, caffeine addiction

Caffeine is a stimulant and it will elevate heart rate, increase blood flow, and raise body temperature. It increases blood sugar levels and act as a diuretic, meaning you urinate more frequently and reduce water intake which is not a good thing since not being hydrated is one of the most common causes of many illnesses and when it's not the main cause it exacerbates many other illnesses because the body retains many toxins that should be passed though our urineAs is quite common what is actually dehydration we interpret as hunger and quite often well go for the sugary foods and carbs for the quick cheap high and short lived satiation.

My sugestion is and I don't mean it as criticizm is that what you have written sounds more like an addicts "rationalization"  than any real understanding of what has transpired and you are now seeking peer validation. Re read what you wrote and see if that is how it hits you now that I've mentioned it. If it strikes you like I have described then discard all of it. Don't talk about it anymore. Don't give it an internal voice and press on with the new and improved you and don't look back------>



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