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Re: Dosage Catch 22 and update

Well, I could paraphrase this in an attempt to make myself look brilliant, but I won't. This is one of my all-time favorite CZ posts:

***How to get well*** 9   RN by Lapis   4 year  1,285
Subject:   ***How to get well***
Username:   Lapis     contact Lapis
Date:   8/29/2006 5:02:44 AM   ( 4 year ago )
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All disease is due to a combo (interplay) of three things. Congestion (blocked flow in circulation and organs), Toxicity (which places a large burdon on the functioning of the body) and lack of nutrition which compounds the other 2. These three aspects alos relate to other harmonics as well (not only physical). These other harmonics are emotional, mental and spiritual health. These also need to be balanced accordingly.

Correct these and health will come dancing back as your body's innate wisdom will once again realign you.

First clean up the diet. Raw organic juicing is the optimal method for easy to assimilate nutrition. Gerson had incredible results with this method of healing.

More On Max Gerson

Later on you can add blended foods (veggie soups, fruit smoothies, etc), and then start adding good fats back in as well. A raw diet is optimal nutrition. Animals don't cook their food, why should you ;-) (The Pottenger studies were very convincing) There is much evidence that cooking foods not only destoys valuable nutrients but also creats a myriad of toxins that your body must deal with. While you do this you can also utilze a powerful drink which will alkalinze (nutritionally balance) your system. Here is my version of the drink:

Organic unsulphered molasses (11/2 to 3 tsp)
several shakes or redmond or pink himalayan Sea Salt 
Juice of 1 organic lemon
pinch of cayene pepper
WaterOz angstrom magnesium (1 tsp)
WaterOz angstrom calcium (1 tsp)
Norwegian kelp on the side (wash down with drink)

Morning sole is also a very poweful way to mineralize your system. The pink himalayan (original) is the best.

"In The Raw" Blog (warehouse of living food nutrition articles

While juicing, take lots of digestive and systemic enzymes to help reestablish flow starting within the gut. Especially use Pepsin Okra E3 which was Dr. Kelley's main weapon for cleaning the small intestine (very important). colonics would also be very beneficial at this time, as would sitz baths and hot/cold showers. Detox baths would also be helpful. If you feel toxic overload in this phase of cleansing then colonics and coffee enemaswill save you (sometimes literally).

Work towards a series of Liver Flushes . The best method is a combination of Julia Chang's herbal liver flush preperation along with Andreas Moritz 's actual flushing protocol. Do this combo for superior results. Stones may or may not be present but most importantly, stagnant stored bile (toxic) will be. Getting this out will work to unstagnate the liver and return optimal function there. Your liver is an incredibly important organ for maintaining health.

Julia Chang is at
Andreas Moritz is at

Make usre to drink clean water (distilled or clean mineral water from a reliable source).

As you are doing all this, clean up your environment. Gret rid of all chemicals and replace them with healthy alternatives. Detergents, cleaners, etc all take a toll on your system. So do most laundry detergents and especially fabric softners. Also use mild personal care products. Make sure to get an inexpnesive shower filter (KDF) to remove chlorine which would otherwise be adsorbed into your sytem via your skin. This is very important. Your bedromm should be the cleanest (least toxic) room in your home. When we sleep we are most vulnerable to toxins and this is also a time for restoration. Make your bedroom a sacred and clean place. Sleep with your window open.

Once you're this far, you can take stock as to how you feel. More tweaks may be necessary, such as parasite mop ups, etc, but what I have described is the main powerhouse of rebalancing your health. These steps will create a poweful momentum in the right direction.

Other important things to do while in this firsat phase are rebounding and skin brushing to move stagant lymph fluid. Walking in nature is very beneficial, preferably barefoot and with minimal clothing. Far Infrared Sauna can help purge toxins thru the skin taking a consideral load of your liver.

Also last but not least. Turn of television. Disengage from all negative drama and programming. Work to harmonize your emotional health. (meditation, TAT, EFT, etc) Empower yourself with openmindedness about all things. Explore, play, create with the heart of a child. Live with passion. ;-)

Health and Consciousness Researcher/Curezone Moderator

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