Re: The 'law of attraction' at work
I have done every I can possibly do trying to understand the law of attraction. I have visualized, tapped, been following and doing newsletters for 3 years, done personal sessions with several well known LOA gurus and what has happened?
Charkee, you described quite clearly what you're doing "wrong".
And DOING is the key word. That'll never work. It's about BEING.
It may sound sophistic, but it's not.
Delve into yourself: why would you emphasise the newsletters (twice!) and the fact that the "gurus" were "well known", if not because somewhere in you there is this conviction that such a mindset is attainable either by some sort of "osmosis" or diligent hard work?
Your problem is that you're OBSERVING yourself doing all the "right" things - which by implication means you're not really doing them.
This observation process comes from a rigid, unproductive place: the You that is wanting. In other words, you're still you - the one riddled with all the experiences, memories, problems that you think you have - the You that will never transform your reality.
By the way, I am strongly opposed to the term "law of Attraction" (it's just a horrid commercial gimmick) or indeed to the term "law" itself, although there is a set of natural (so far unresearched) laws involved.
I think such expressions harden the fluid reality underlying this world into a set of "formulas" that, by definition, seldom work (and when they do, it's because the person who makes them work is childlike and relaxed enough in their approach).
Somebody advised you to read Neville Goddard's works.
It is the closest I could find to my own life experience (and it is ample!).
I couldn't recommend it enough.
If I may, I'd just like to add this: do not dwell on his philosophy and "exegesis" of the Bible. It's not necessary.
Just adopt the idea that things really are like he describes them. Start breathing and walking effortlessly in that realisation, even if you don't actively desire anything (in fact, I recommend dispensing with desires as the first step; first, you have to grow into the frame of mind and be comfortable within it).
To effectively do so, here's the ultimate "secret": while you're breaking in the new mold of thought... feel your body. There must be no separation from the body, or it'll never work.
If and when you do grow, both physically and mentally, into such a state of mind, THEN you can start attracting. It'll be effortless, not mechanistic. And it'll work. You won't need "gurus" or newsletters. You won't even THINK of them anymore. You will have transformed yourself, broken the rigidity of a certain outlook on life and on yourself - that's why it will start working and falling into place.
And BTW, I like your manner of expression and what you wrote about desires. ;)
Good luck.
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