Re: The 'law of attraction' at work
I'm not desiring as you assume for the mundane physical big house, fancy car thing. I want to prosper so my family can be free of the economic slavery imposed upon both the rich and poor. I want to prosper so I can help others live purer lives. It would be really wonderful if the LOA worked, wouldn't it? I truly wish it did.
So then if desires lead to all misery then the desire to be happy causes misery? Must I be content being an Untouchable or groveling at the feet of tyrants? Must I have no desire to live in equality with all people? Or desire peace? Even dogs want to eat.
"Being free from economic slavery... now this is something that resonates with me very much.
Years ago, I worked for a taxi company as an independent contractor. At a certain point in time, the company started to expand its business to include making deliveries. Understanding that there was a certain need to acquire drivers to help that end of the business grow, I approached the man who was supervising the operation. This was somone that I knew because he had been a driver like myself, and he obviously knew of me, since we had spent many times together sitting on taxicab stands talking about things when the business was slow. So I went to John and asked him what are the chances of being one of his drivers that he could rely on.
John told me, "I'd love to take you on. You are very good driver, however, there is one thing you would have to do." I said, "So please tell me, John, what is that something?" He said, "You will have to shave and keep your face clean-shaven." All I could do at the moment is just to stare at him. Then, I said to him, "John, do you know how ridiculous that sounds coming from a man that is dispaying a full beard?"
From that moment on, I decided that I was going to live my life according to me. I was going to be the one that decided when I was going to shave. I was going to be the one that would decide how I should dress. And whatever came out of how I chose to live my life was going to be the way my life would be.
Another example: I have always been opposed to being required to turn over my social security number to another that claims it is some kind of absolute requirement. About twenty years ago I made it my personal policy to not give this personal information out. I knew that this may cause me some economic difficulties, but this is what I decided to do. I decided to see where life would take me. Basically, it was a decision to see if I could trust existence. Would existence be supportive of me as it is with the rest of nature? I decided to give it a go.
Prior to making this decision, I had done some extensive research on the laws surrounding the use of the social security number. And understood it thoroughly enough to know that there was no abosolute requirement for the banks, employers, etc., to have this information. So to start off, I went in search of a bank that would allow me to open an account. I must have tried this at about six different banks. But I finally found a bank that had a certain vice-president that understood the law. And after writing a letter to her, she wrote back saying that I could do this with her bank.
I must admit that in the beginning to find work also proved to be a bit more difficult task... but only in the beginning. Several times I would be interviewed but always was not hired because of my not giving an SSN. Then came answering an ad for a Green Peace canvasser. I went to the interview and was given all the material to understand what Green Peace was about. The man could see I was excited about doing such work. He like me and said if I wanted the job I could start immediately. I said sure. The first thing he gave me to fill out was a W-4 form. I looked at the space where I was to provide a social security number and told him that I would first like to read over the Green Peace information he gave me and sleep on it, and then I will come back the next day. He agreed.
I got home and went through the material. One of the statements on ethics caught my eye. It stated that Green Peace is not affiliated nor does it support any government. The next day I went back to see the guy and asked him if it was possible to be hired without giving a social security number. He said, "No, I'm sorry but that is required for taxes." I then showed him the statement of ethics. And then said that this statement is then not true. Because Green Peace is affiliated with the United States government. He totally understood what I was saying. He said he would have to talk it over with the regional director in Chicago. The next day he called me and said that he talked it over with his supervisor and said that it was ok to hire me.
And this is the way it has gone for me. I would apply for work. Alot of jobs were not available to me (because of the ignorance of the employers), but I have always found work. My trust in existence is now well-established, even some 20 years later.
Can you call it the law of attraction? ...I dunno... but whatever it is, I see it more as existence is taking care... existence is supportive of me. Existence is allowing a way for me to survive through all this. Will it continue to be supportive... I really dunno... But what I do know is that I am not expecting me to have my way. Expectation is a necessary characteristic of a desiring mind. If I don't expect that life should be a certain way for me, then I will not get frustrated, hence I am not setting myself up to become miserable.
Instead of expecting, instead of expectation, a certain trust has grown very much within myself. A trust that I will be ok no matter what. Trust is also a dialectic process. Through doubt trust comes. Then it is absolutely a part of the dialectic process to doubt the Law of Attraction. Doubt it absolutely, then a trust of it will arise.
"Truth in philosophy means that concept and external reality correspond." -Hegal
Life is a dialectical process. The progress of an idea, the progress of consciousness is dialectical. Consciousness progresses through dialectics.
Any life force progresses through dialectics. Use of action to reach a state of no action, where nothing needs to be done. Effortlessness achieved through making an effort. Playfulness is reached through work. Desirelessness is reach through desiring. Peacefulness is found through understanding what causes misery. Desirelessness is realized through understanding that all desiring leads to frustration and misery. To settle into one’s being (the real treasure) is only achieved through having things and doing things. Hence the Law of Attraction plays an integral role in the dialectic process. With the Law of Attraction, there must be a Law of Repusion (the Law of Attraction standing on its head).
I don’t see any condemnation in addressing the Law of Attraction as being a part of the Universal Law.
One might say that Innercalm and turiya are in a dialectical process. Thesis, anti-thesis and further down the road a synthesis is possible. How much further down the road no one can say. It depends on the resistance factor.
Cheers -*- turiya