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Re: Will MMS help me? Or perhaps, staphysagria?

J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

balboa Views: 5,342
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Re: Will MMS help me? Or perhaps, staphysagria?

Hi there,

I also have a family history of UTI in that my mother, my sister and I have always had UTI's on a fairly regular basis. Not as bad as what you describe, but I used to get them about twice a year. Here is what I know about our experience with UTI. I did the whole Miracle-Mineral-Supplement detox routine, working up gradually from 1 drop per day to 15 drops per day (couldn't manage twice daily as many here do). After my first week of taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , I felt a UTI coming on. I did nothing about it except drink lots of water and keep taking the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , and the burning sensation disappeared after a day or so. I have never had a UTI since, and that was three years ago. This is a really big deal for me. But my mother has not had such success. She has not done the MMS detox, but will take a dose if she thinks it might help her with something. Twice now she has tried MMS for a UTI and been unsuccessful. The first time I was there and she thought for about 3 days (taking a 6 drop dose per day) that the UTI was going away, but then it came back and she switched to Antibiotics . The second time I think the MMS was again effective for a while but then she took Antibiotics to completely get rid of the infection. So take from that what you will.

My best recommendation is to go through the MMS detox process, building up gradually over several weeks or months. I would now recommend peaking at about 10 drops, though, and staying there for a week or so. I wouldn't take 15 again unless I had malaria. It will change your body in many good ways. For me, being rid of UTI's is one of the benefits. And if it works for you (or doesn't), please let us all know!


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