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Will MMS help me? Or perhaps, staphysagria?
jadyn Views: 5,022
Published: 15 y

Will MMS help me? Or perhaps, staphysagria?

Hi all, I experience UTI symptoms even when I don't have a UTI. This most often happens after sex but has happened other times as well. I am careful during sex and urinate before and after sex as well as several other precautions. My OBGYN suggested it might be Interstitial Cystitis (IC) but is unsure. All other tests: UTI, pregnancy, STD are negative. I have had problems with UTI in the past which led to tons of antibitotics and yeast infections as well but now I am having UTI symptoms with no UTI. Even on a good day I don't experience strong urge or freqency to urinate but when I do, there is always a sort of "ticklish" feeling towards the end of my stream and like I haven't gotten everything out (this is almost exactly like the description for the homeopathic treatment staphysagria). I this "ticklish" feeling also happens when I flex my muscles (kegel?) at the end of the stream. Is that normal or is something wrong? Can Miracle-Mineral-Supplement help me with these issues? Or maybe a homeopathic option? Thanks for any help or info anyone can provide. I'm desperate for relief!


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