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Re: loss of hair
smh326 Views: 3,998
Published: 15 y
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Re: loss of hair

i have been in practice 10 years and treat a lot of hair loss. acupuncture itself can help bring blood/circulation to the scalp to nourish the follicles, but to CURE hair loss you have to look at the internal there candida, leaky gut, hypothyroid, parasites, heavy metals, food allergies , deficient iron/ferritin/hemoglobin...and you have to go step by step through each one to rule out or heal... a good place to start is by doing a colon/ parasite cleanse. has a good product called colonix/paranil/kleri tea combo kit. because anyone i have treated with hair loss really needed to first clean colon. then check ferritin and see if it is b/w 70-90 and if it is below 50, that is an issue, even if iron itself is okay in the blood levels. if it is low, good product is floradix, even tho lower mg-wise, it is absorbed into body much better...wheatgrass juice is great because it helps kill parasites/candida and reduce heavy metals as well and helps with iron/oxygen in the blood. then you have to look at how you live your life and what's not working and make shifts...i.e., hate or dislike your job/partner/family/living situation?...need to make otherwise, hard for hair not to fall. homeopathy weisbaden 200c is often prescribed but doesn't work for everyone bc depends on what made hair start to fall in first place...also clay hair packs very good to stop hair falling...white kaolin or green clay. do 1x a week. there is much more but that is my quick and dirty suggestion for you. many people also have success with diatomaceous earth (make sure you get food grade...cheapest at
it is high in calcium and silica, and silica in absorbable form which is necessary for hair growth.


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