Re: Hypothyroid/heart/edema
you know, it's so frustrating because I've done that, gone off all supplements, and I don't typically do well that way, either. My diet is very good, very clean, and I pretty much live on organic fruits and veggies. Which is why I was surprised my potassium was low, I'm taking potassium bicarb 3 x day right now. I was also supposedly low in sodium, despite not restricting salt in my diet, so I've increased that (celtic
Sea Salt ), but I wouldn't doubt my electrolyte balances are still off. On my blood tests, mag was very low but calcium was fine, which I assume is why they're pushing so much extra mag, but maybe it doesn't work that way when it comes to assimilation. It's like I'm so depleted that it required a more aggressive approach than just dietary/herbal, and I'm wondering now if the thyroid is still at the root of those nutritional deficiencies. Like it's the mother of this whole decline. My husband is convinced I've done this to myself because I don't meditate every day and spend a lot of time working on my body the way he does. He's pretty robust and I think it's a little like comparing apples & oranges, but he may have a point, at least to the extent that I've allowed stress and overwork to affect me physically. Long term stress could be a big part of the reason my thyroid quit working properly. I told him it might help if he'd do a load of laundry occasionally - lol!