Re: Hypothyroid/heart/edema
well, see there ya go. You're seeing Dr. B but he sends you to someone else about your legs. That's just typical, people are "parts" in western medicine, even to the enlightened io-docs.
If you're going to hand him a post written by an anonymous internet poster, please tell him that I do have the utmost respect for him, and tell him to tell Guy Abrahams that I have a super-huge crush on him:)
I've learned a lot from those guys and would probably be on my way to
Breast Cancer if not for them.
You might actually have to find a good endocrinologist, Anja.
I have no idea if what I am suggesting is true or not, I'm just putting together the pieces. If it IS true, though, I think you need another doctor(don't tell Dr. B I sad that, ok?). He might have a case of tunnel vision. That's common...
maintains a listing of armour friendly docs.
Whatever happens, Anja, you know that you need to make some major changes. Give your husband a big hug for nagging you all these years.
And yeah, Uny? Not saying that you have to do the full IP. She makes some excellent products though, I'm eyeing the blood detox tincture myself:)