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Re: best place to buy MMS?

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Re: best place to buy MMS?

The best brand of mms is the one you make yourself.
Pre-made Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is extremely expensive when you consider the profit to cost margin. A 20 dollar bottle of mms is worth less than a dollar including the cost of the bottle.

Instead google sodium chlorite or go to ebay and buy some there. For around the same price you can have enough mms to supply you, your family and friends for a decade.

Sodium chlorite is also sold as an mms kit. That means that in addition to the sodium chlorite, there will be some citric acid , some plastic bottles, and directions.
A company called
sells mms kits on ebay. There are others as well.

Besides the price, you will have quality control over what you are consuming. When you buy from an Miracle-Mineral-Supplement company, You really dont know what they are putting in your Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , do you?

Keep in mind there are no regulations or oversight when it comes to the manufacture of MMS. When it comes to my health, I don't put my faith in strangers.

When buying sodium chlorite, it should be in flake form, a yellow or white color. When you activate mms, it should have a yellowish color and smell like chlorine.

MMS is not to be triffled with. Educate yourself on its conservative use at humble's various sites and understand the precautions regarding it's use. Humbles book can be useful as well.

And above all else don't be beguiled or frightened by the horror stories you will see on the internet concerning mms.
Every "Borderland therapy" will be attacked by shills working in the service of big pharma. Some of them contribute to this list. Others are chronically negative people who have never used mms.

No one has ever been harmed using mms in a conserative way.

Hope this Helps.

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